Praise & Press



Many of the circles, online groups and private mentoring sessions we lead are intimate, powerful, dynamic, healing and transformational. We encourage women to share stories and truths that are deeply personal. For that reason, we share words and just the initials from our community. We honor the sacred relationships that have been cultivated and are deeply grateful for the brave and beautiful women we work with.

“I want to also take a moment to thank you in particular for helping me this year with two major changes in my life. First, I have successfully gone off my antidepressant medication for the first time in many, many years. While there are many more emotional waves to ride, I have come to welcome (most of the time) the tears and accept feeling it all. You guided me to change the narrative and to release the story of my mind. That was HUGE. Second, you helped me heal my gut that was literally on fire. By incorporating the Ayurveda wisdom you shared, my gut healed. AMAZING. No meds, no dr appts just some ancient kitchen wisdom. Mind-blowing and life-changing.”
- JS
“I am so glad to have taken this course “Ayurveda and the Mind”; I find myself thinking about the concepts throughout my days. It is usually a challenge for me to integrate new lifestyle practices. When it comes down to it, I am stubborn about changing habits of things like sleep, rest, soulful practices etc., even though I may fully believe in the need for certain changes. But this course’s emphasis on listening to one’s inner voice, introducing changes gradually, and long-term evolution versus quick-fixes make me believe that what I’ve learned is the beginning of a long journey of learning about these concepts and integrating them into my lifestyle in a permanent way. Thank you!”
“I simply want to thank you. For your words, energy and total love. Yesterday, (and every day the suns been shining) I sat outside talking to my mom. I was much more grounded. Somehow when I went back inside to hold my dad’s hand and talk to him, I actually started to say some of the things I want to tell him before he dies. As the words came out, so did the tears. I realized the connection. I’d been stuffing those words to “hold myself together” and yet somehow the spirit moved me to speak what was on my heart —to try and reach his — before it’s too late. The time to let people know you love them, care, is NOW. It’s always now. It’s always the present moment, but we sometimes can’t access the here and now.

I have to think all of this is happening because I’m paying attention more.

Thank you for this email and the other email about self compassion. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for making it possible to access the here and now.”
- JH
“My year shook me in a way I hadn’t planned and couldn’t brace for. And I thought I was already recovering from horrible social scars from the previous year. That was just the beginning but I saw the cycle repeat. I took control in July and decided to own my power. To decide who sees it and who isn’t worthy. I owe some thanks to several that no longer walk my path for the jolt to do this course and for a special angel who made me stop and take account of what was most important. These past 5 months of mastering me, of self care and discovery has been enlightening, healing and transformative. I have two more months to finish but that is bonus time. So incredibly grateful even though it was tough and lonely and I had to fully trust the process with full vulnerability. I found my strength and the veil is lifted. I own my space and my power and I can finally go lightly in the world. If you can, take the time. Breathe into you. It is a gift that will repay you a thousand fold.”
- HM
“Making the commitment to dig deeper into these studies is the journey of a lifetime! You will meet soulful, funny, compassionate women who are looking our patterns and habits as we discuss the ways in which we ebb and flow through the seasons of our lives. By diving deep into a wide variety of both new and age-old, simple and thought-provoking ideas, we begin to shift our perceptions and question the way we digest our lives thereby creating a life that reflects more of our whole selves. Pleasance is a force, with a thrust for life and unwavering dedication to her dharma. She holds the space, guides the tribe, asks the tough questions and offers her own candid answers, often with a side of humor. There is no end to the process, it is a continuing unraveling and unveiling the stories of our lives.”
- KV
“My deep dive session with Pleasance was transformative in two key ways. First, is the process leading up to our day together. Through the combination of Pleasance’s insightful pre-work, committing to the session financially, and setting a hard meeting date, or really deadline, I found the previously illusive motivation to look at the ways my choices were playing out and, furthermore, to consider alternatives to these choices and the goals I had previously set for myself. Second, is our precious day spent together. As a consequence of the pre-work, I went into our day with a very different set of questions and areas I wanted to explore than I had originally planned or discussed with Pleasance. Not only did she meet me where I was, but she helped guide me through the murkiness with clear observations and an action plan for moving forward in a healthy, joyful way. Although this type of work can often feel abstract and difficult to apply to real life, Pleasance has a gift for making it concrete, accessible, fun, and literally, delicious!”
- PK
“Pleasance draws from an immense and eclectic knowledge base and real life experiences. Yet, she has a superpower of showing me what I already know. My interactions with her are practical, instructive, and actionable. She reminds me what matters most and, perhaps more importantly, what doesn’t. She exudes an energy and wisdom that is motivating.”
- RS
“Thank you, Pleasance. Thank you for helping me understand myself and be there for me. Your session on Inner Voice was transformational for me… immediately so! I never thought I have so much power and energy inside of me. So much strength. And Goodness, how much do I need this strength to guide me. It’s helped me guide my kids in their stress too. I am forever grateful for your guidance and help to give me the space to help myself.”
- NS
“Pleasance was such a warm, safe, loving guide through this session. She knew when to listen and step back and when to intervene and push my IV further. I was always conscious of my overbearing mind wanting to take control back but it eventually felt like it decided to take a back seat and observed the IV at work. The shift that took place during this session (getting rid of an old skin & armor to uncover a perfect new layer) has been palpable the days after the session as well. A very very moving session with a talented facilitator!”
“I can’t even find the words to describe the connections I’m making and the deep change that is helping me move through. And how it is all connected – the boundaries, self-care, joy…”
- CH
“Thank you so much for facilitating such a thought-provoking class with “Ayurveda and the Mind.” That class (and the community) helped pull me out of my external striving, comparing and accomplishing that typically infuses my every day. And after our sessions or reading Frawley’s book, I would have such a sense of peace and contentment. And I’ve found that I am able to experience joy so much more easily. Like full-body, “I have it all right here” type of joy.”
“I was introduced to Pleasance less than two years ago and I can say within that time I have been supported and guided to make numerous positive shifts in my life, including developing new habits and helping me to take action. Pleasance’s care, guidance and intuitive counseling connects with me on a deep soul level. I am so grateful to know Pleasance and benefit from the wisdom of her teachings. I continue to learn from Pleasance both in circle and in individual sessions. The energy and love Pleasance brings to her work is felt by all who study with her. She has a way of seeing the truth and shedding light on the patterns and areas I want to change while doing so in a loving and supportive manner.”
“Thank you so much for facilitating such a thought-provoking class with “Ayurveda and the Mind.” That class (and the community) helped pull me out of my external striving, comparing and accomplishing that typically infuses my every day. And after our sessions or reading Frawley’s book, I would have such a sense of peace and contentment. And I’ve found that I am able to experience joy so much more easily. Like full-body, “I have it all right here” type of joy.”
“I love all of this, who you are, what you’re doing, and how you share your beautiful light with the world!!! I too want to be in a community of positive women who lift each other up while they help others; lead healthy, interesting and fulfilling lives; and share their learnings and contemplations in ways that help enrich others’ life experiences. I am with you on your journey and want to continue to be a part of it too!”
- WO
“Through our work together I have gained such a clear sense now of my strengths and growing edges, as well as my pitfalls. I also have a clear sense of what my tools and resources are and what my support network looks like. I am really feeling a lot of abundance and alignment right now. Looking back over the past 6 months I can’t believe how much I have accomplished. I thought *maybe* by the end of our six months of private coaching I would have decided if I was going to start my biz. Not only have I already started it, and committed to it and to myself, but I am further along than I even realized and ready to continue growing. I am also committed to growing/going forward with my health and self-care as an even bigger priority that it was before. I understand why and how that’s even more essential to my BIZ than I realized. With gratitude and a full heart, I am so proud of what I have accomplished and excited for what is yet to come.”
- ST
“I love how your program incorporates so many different modalities and is easy for anyone to find what they need and leave the rest. Groups like this give me energy and feed my soul.”
- FR
“Before coming to Pleasance I had ideas about where my business was heading, but was unsure of how to put the pieces together in a way that felt good to both myself and my clients. Pleasancehad a natural way of helping me to clear out the mental clutter and focus on what was most important to me as I grew my business. She was understanding, direct, organized and incredibly knowledgable. I learned not only an immense amount of information about growing a business, but also so much about myself and healthy habits to incorporate in order to sustain a successful practice. I would highly recommend Pleasance’s business mentoring to anyone who is looking for a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to business development – not only do you learn a lot but you have tons of fun with her along the way!”
- AT
“Anyway I love this community more than I can express and I thank you for creating a safe space full of support and love and connection– all the things I’ve been missing that are SO powerful for personal growth. I always just tried to do everything by myself because I couldn’t bear to share the shameful things about myself but now I see that true change really only happens when you dig deep, share the yucky stuff, and find yourself supported by a community of people who get it, see you, and love you exactly as you are. It’s just so powerful.”
- KO
“A deeply moving session with a very talented facilitator! Pleasance comes across as being such a warm, loving guide that oozes patience and kindness. You know right away that you can trust her completely – mind & inner voice!”
“I simply CANNOT thank Pleasance enough for helping me push through my pain body in order to hear my inner voice!!!

Just had to share with you all that since yesterday, my inner voice has grown much more chatty and I hear her much more easily now! It’s AMAZING!”
- AM
“I was introduced to Pleasance less than two years ago and I can say within that time I have been supported and guided to make numerous positive shifts in my life, including developing new habits and helping me to take action. Pleasance’s care, guidance and intuitive counseling connects with me on a deep soul level. I am so grateful to know Pleasance and benefit from the wisdom of her teachings. I continue to learn from Pleasance both in circle and in individual sessions. The energy and love Pleasance brings to her work is felt by all who study with her. She has a way of seeing the truth and shedding light on the patterns and areas I want to change while doing so in a loving and supportive manner.”
- JH

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